Religion and Empires.

Since Babylonian times mankind had the necessity to create a stable society. What creates a stable society? No one knows. Social experiments have been out there since writing was discovered. Long ago a lonely man who could not fight or hunt decided that somewhere inside his counterparts mind there was a fear for nature so he decided to test this theory. Lightening was a sign, everybody fear this god of the sky, they have seen trees being burn down and big animals killed by it. This man stood under the rain and the lightening and nothing happened to him now he was a fearless man and he showed the others how easy it is to stand under the rain and not get killed. The other members of the tribe started to see this man as a selected ONE, the one that could listen to lightening and stand under the rain and feel no fear, the one who probably could if HE wanted even to stop the rain. Then suddenly the rain stopped, all this other people came out from hiding, what was so special about this man? His answer, silence, he never said a word, but the others started to talk; one said “ He has the power to stop the rain..” another one said “He is the son of the lightening God, and he can protect us…” and so forth by the end of the day this man who could not feed himself was seating inside the best cave, covered with the warmest animal skins and eating whatever he wanted. One of the men offered him his woman to spend the night. Those who feed him, who provided women for him, were seen by the others as a special group to be fear, because now these other man were very close to the son of the lightening God. That is how religion was created, the impotence of one man, impotence of feeling fear for a bolt of lightening, what happened after that is the beginning of civilization and the legend of Gilgamesh.
In the beginning was the void, some called it the word of God, it has been used by those who seek power, power beyond anything. The power to tell others how life should be lived, in the process mankind has created several social layers, those who believe, those who don’t believe and those who exploit either group. Among the many ideas that have been around for ever is; if man only changes his mind then things will be different, different from what? from the situation where man has placed himself. Not a valid argument since life happens just because, then we have those who write incessantly about the wrong that had to be justified and only one thing can clean them up, Christ the god-man whose blood in some symbolic way can ideally change the destiny of a person. Many believe that the brain will adopt these beliefs and it will be written in the DNA and the whole world will be transformed, into what? a more peaceful world they say, but they are the ones who begin the arguments against, abortion, homosexuality, freedom to choose either way, etc., and then the people following this belief system are the ones who created a whole prophesy system that explains how mankind, is going slowly to self destruct. Obvioulsy they have provided a way out for those who “believe” they will be capture away and will not suffer, nowhere exist such a bullet proof salvation, since the energy that destroys life is real and in the subatomic world it can not be control by thought alone. Someday, this planet will explode, some day this Universe will end. The reality of this is how well have we treated each other, while we were alive, that is because beyond this life there is not other existence, the energy that gave you life, will return to the universe that gave it, and the dust that form your body will became dust again and will feed the plants and fruits that will feed the animals that eventually will be consumed by humans. In the following chapters you will find the description of what kind of self talk can give you peace and make you feel like you belong, yes you belong to a special generation of persons that can feel something that has been forgotten by previous generations, the generations that spent their lives creating a myth to reach the ultimate power, the power to manipulate the collective mind and raising themselves to be humanity protectors. Freedom is not religion, freedom is a common sense word that describes the state of man, the Babylonia the land of the free, for centuries they dominated their world, but their world was small,
they needed more goods to keep the priest and kings happy, so they wanted to conquer neighboring tribes, the soldiers went to battle and won a few of this battles, but soldiers were human beings and human bodies have a limited supply of adrenaline and stamina, some experimentation with plants and dust made out from some dead insects was discovered to have the effects of making a man stay awake for days at a time. The generals decided to use this for the soldiers just before battle, the battle was won. The beginning of the drug industry had started with good intentions, lets have super soldier win battles, get more land, tax more people and live like kings and queens, who cares about the poor and the widows and children of other nations. Priest went crazy collecting gold and goods from the citizens and it was the richest, most powerful country in the world, known by them. Society grew at a fast pace, they needed a story, something that would explain what life was about and how the world was started, due to the problem that too many people did not know the story of the fearless man who stood under the rain, and laughted at the lightening bolts, priest and priestesses decided to come out with a story that would occupy the mind of the citizenry for decades to comprehend and then they will be to old to connect the dots. Theology, was born one of the biggest myths of all. Some god, created heavens and earth from nothing, great statement, all the young curious minds that were indoctrinated since childhood spent years trying to understand what this meant. Centuries went by and the collective mind could not figure this one out. Something happened during that time, military forces grew bigger, too many young man found the glory of belonging to a group of men that could take forbidden powder and be extra strong and make their wives happy with extended sexual encounters, this made the empire grow weaker, soldier got families and no one wanted to go into battle. There were the retired generals who knew the secret to extract the powder that make them strong, and they provided this to the young soldiers that quit, so that they could keep on feeling strong and good about themselves. The empire lost its income, the country went poor, one of the kings in order to restablish the strength of the kingdom ordered to build a statue of himself and be worshipped as a god. Laws were written to this effect, more and more young man and women wanted to live their own lives without having to pay taxes and worship their king, the legend of Gilgamesh was buried under a pile of books about law and religion and old formulas to create drugs.

The different groups those who wanted to live in the wild found out how difficult it was to hunt and provide food for their families, the land was dry and not enough game, so they decided to kill others from weaker groups and eat them. In some parts of that world cannibalism was a way of life, very few were conscious of the importance of a human life.
One group of teachers and instructors who were familiar with the beginnings of that civilization decided to settle by the Nile river, again structuring their society with kings, priest and a strata of workers with different divine privileges. The story repeated itself, self destruct from within, then the patriarchal society of the Greeks was born, then the Romans, the Arabs, the Spaniards, the English and then America.
All of these groups had good intentions at the beginning of their Era, but the educational systems, the religiosity of the undeveloped mind became the handicapped that stopped them from escalating to the next step in evolution. Spiritual conciousness of belonging not to a group, but to the human race, the awakening point of respect for all human life regardless of their point of development. The sense that we all are ONE. A different concienciousness that recognizes the need for acknowledging each other level of cognition, without imposing on the other a law, or religion that makes them or attempts to make them equal. Now how do we create a society of diversity and acceptance?. We need to understand that the enemy of society is not the lack of religious beliefs, but the creation of enmity between the believers and none believers. Common ground is Holy ground, how do we get there?
What is the truth?, I describe truth as whatever I see inside myself that helps me accept me or make me conscious of what changes I need in order to feel better about myself.
Lets begin by accepting that humans have been given by nature certain natural needs that keep this biological machinery working, eating, drinking water, protection from the weather and sex. Sex for reproduction or multiplication, something that nowdays is used as recreation more that the intended function that nature gave it. Here is where we begin by self acceptance so that we can accept others. The stages we go trough, self discovery, discovery with friends, same sex or otherwise. We have to understand that here is where traditions and old school have to change their view points here is where civilized groups can became savages. When a man decides to be with another man, or a woman wants another woman for companionship and sex, there are social and religious beliefs that stops this relationships from becoming the rule, and there are left behind as the exception. In other empires such as the Roman, leadership at the highest form of government practice homosexuality and this was their negociating point, the senators sexual persuasion had a lot to do in what the citizen will receive. This, is believe by some historians, influenced by theology, to be the factor that help in the fall of that empire. This overlooks the innate desire that man has to receive justice, regardless of who is in power to apply it. If man has the innate desire for justice and knows what justice is, then the practice of any sexuality is not an issue. The powers to be, makes certain that the elite, now not priest anymore but psychiatrist, decides what is emotional stability and then that is used as the measure by which everything is judge. What is important to me might not be important to you, if I understand that it is not my religious calling to make you change your mind, but instead, to accept that you are different than me and therefore, to survive I decide to help you and accept your help in exchange, with no other desire than being helpful and recognizing that we are both human beings. At this point I have arrive to a conciousness of belonging, what motivates me is not making money, but rather be part of a social machinery that gives you the space to BE. Social theorist might argue that this gives a door to criminality, and as I describe earlier about the Empires, it seems that criminality has also to be view trough some filters. The poor teenager that has a high IQ and grows up in a society where social limitations exists. Those limitations have been set in the social structure by religious beliefs and the opportunities to make a decent living are not there then his desition to became a drug trafficker or dealer is a natural progression. Easy money is always the first desire of the human mind, until we as a society decides to teach our youth that is not about having, is about feeling and being, feel alive, and be yourself.

What I am saying here is that the ultimate morality is: respect for human life. Let us look at how this can be accomplish, first we have the religions of the world that need to be congruent. Protection of life means protection of the environment. Then we have also to convey this in our educational traditions, be open to learn new things, not all the theories are good, but knowledge of all the theories keep us from making the mistakes of imposing one thought over the whole collective. History has to become more cosmopolitan, yes, some attack from other groups or countries make some people feel uneasy, trust is a hard thing to practice. We have to make sure that everyone in this planet has shelter, education, medication, and some ways of keep creating for themselves that peace that helps to continually be motivated. Making sure that money making is the goal for some groups and that this money is to be use to make more money, does not make sense anymore. Young adults want the opportunity to be heard, the world is getting smaller, the opinion of the generations travel at cyber speed, if we do not create a sense of certainty, a sense of complete brotherhood among the cultures, and nations, we will not see the peace that we spoke about during the 20th century.

Christians are as zealous as their counter parts from the muslim world. Here is where we as humans in order to keep large civilized groups living together we have made the mistake of not confronting irrational thought. There is as much irrationality among the terrorist, who want to destroy America, as it is among the Christians who think that imposing our way of thinking upon others we will became part of the salvation of the planet. Wrong, that is impossible, no one nation has been called by the Universe to represent what is good, democracy, theocracy, communism, etc. The nature that guide us is more a nature of control, it seem to us humans that the more we are in control, environment, moral, economic, etc., the safer we feel. Nature has a funny way of demonstrating to us how small and insignificant we are, yes there are the scientist who constantly discover new things, but how can we make an average citizen to stop and think that his/her lack of foresight on their part can and will affect everyone? Ask that to the managers at Enron, or the pharmaceutical companies, that market medications that are not fully tested.
Bottom line, the responsibility to become a citizen who is part of a civilized group is for every single human being to take authority and command over his/her own thinking. That thinking has to be re-evaluated over and over everyday of our lives. Under the light of what helps preserve human life, what stops the self-destructive behavior. Yes, the news will become an authoritative voice of the past, but we still need all the information available about any given subject before taking the time to decide, this slows down production a bit. The Germans, have taken the slow road to develop engines and other equipment, and those products last for a long time, they spend more money and time in research, before it goes out to the public, ensuring the life span of the product to be longer, therefore more profitable in the long run. Some other nations took the time to educate their citizens about acceptance, of self and others and their citizens are more productive. The human spirit is restricted, no matter where we are, freedom has not been accomplished yet. Let us look at the crown of thorns on the head of the Christ, not physically but symbolically, the differences of opinions that our mind gets bombarded with on a daily basis, it constraints the brain, give us headaches, and force us to make descition on flight, not having the time to evaluate the pros and cons. The pain, can be blocked if it is physical pain, with pain relievers, but psychological pain, has consecuences, consecuences of transformation into more cynical, less feeling society.
The book that has been use as the inspiring scripture to create the western world, the bible needs a revision, if not so then why so many follow Islam, or Mormonism? We can not be blind to the reality that we humans need spirituality, so how can we gather all the concepts of the world and teach them to our children? Well we can begin by accepting our children as they are, before we try to teach them a religion or philosophy that stops their creativity. We have to accept that we do not know everything, we have not discover everything and that, if there is a God, certainly would not be one that a different periods of history changes his/her conciousness, more or less will be a constant discovery of self and others. Here I can state that for a few, very small group, God is Us working all together in a synchronize movement of creativity. What we write, the music we create, the uplifting positive force of the words we speak to one another. If there is some force in the Universe that is God, that creates and destroys, certainly will be a force that respect the love we have for each other, the care we show when we as concern citizens help to stop pollution, to stop war, and to help understand human behavior. In a desperate, limited way to control, some people have raise themselves to be the prophets of the 20th century and gave us books, of revelations, and scriptural dichotomies of prophesy unfolding, to those I will say the only world that is coming to an end, is your limited world of prejudice and ignorance. Inteligence and the appropriate use of it, is here. We have been patient humans waiting for the moment to hear the collective accept that religion has failed the planet. Let us pursue peace, inner peace, vision of productivity and help re-educate a society that was manipulated into developing envy, ambition, and lack of respect for self. Small groups of four or five, gathering at their homes talking about this transformation, accepting the differences of opinion, encouraging one another to have a peaceful day. The holding of hands, the hugs, without expecting anyone to raise himself as leader who needs support, we all are leaders, even our children, we all have a voice, we all need of each other words and touch and acceptance to keep on living. It is not me coming with a new idea, it is the idea that has been for ages in the consciousness of all humans, held back on occasions by the moralistic groups that control the economy and politics of our planet. We have to see the Bible for what it is a book of traditions that can modify your thinking, but in the process make you slave to the group that started all. There is a need to accept that Planet Earth is not a prison, nor a place of punishment as some philosophical groups have intended to represent it. This planet is our home, it is our intergalactic travelers spaceship, self sufficient. However, I am inclined to believe that we are connected to other humans in another part of the Universe, we are not alone. It only takes a few minutes of discovering under a microscope a world of universes in miniature and with this I deduce that life forms differ from one another. It would be ignorant in my part to state that there are not other life forms in this Universe, but we are not concern with that yet, we are concern with what will work for us to stay alive and well when our planet takes our DNA to the other side of the Universe. That is because since the moment of creation, the Universe is expanding, the Galaxy travels away from the center on the Universe, the solar system, our solar system travels away from the center of the galaxy, there is so much to learn, but we will only experience it if we live in peace with one another. Peace begins inside our own minds.

We have a system where we have become parts of a machinery, this is a productive force, what we think is not important for the producers , what is important is how much we help production. This form of measuring the capacity of an individual has to end, Honesty has to take priority over what numbers show, there is no room for, white lies, yellow lies, pink lies, like some religions have taught. It either is or it is not. Every human being can find his/her place by accepting that at certain age we can do so much, understand so much or maybe nothing and move on, as long as the rest of society accepts that also. For many decades we have been conditioned to believe that having is more important, big houses, big cars, more of everything, instead of developing feelings, feel the pain of the poor, the pain of the orphan, the pain of the batter wife.



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