Almost Legal.
Green Truck. The very first time I crossed the border from Mexico into the US, was in December 21 1977, this was not ordinary for me. I had never been in Juarez, so when I saw the crossing point at the " Puente Stanta Fe" I thought, maybe I will be invisible. I started to walk into the US from the right side, when I went over the hump , I started to panic, I saw a way to move towards the left side, there was a lonely one person caseta, so as I walked toward that check point I begin to create in my mind all the scenarios that could come up, like where was I going? Or if I was a US citizen, lying doesnt come easy for me, so I thought "I'll tell the truth" so all they willl do is turn me around and show me the way out. As I approach the "casetita" I noticed that it was empty, I looked to the right and all the officers were busy checking vehicles, I simply kept on walking. It wa...