
Showing posts with the label social issues

Almost Legal.

Green Truck. The very first time I crossed the border from Mexico  into the US, was in December 21 1977, this was not ordinary for me.  I had never been in Juarez, so  when I saw the crossing point at the " Puente Stanta Fe"   I thought, maybe I will be invisible.   I started to walk into the US from the right side, when I went over the hump , I started to panic,  I saw a way to move towards the left side, there was a lonely one person  caseta,   so as I walked toward that check point I begin to create in my mind all  the scenarios that could come up, like where was I going?  Or if I was a US citizen, lying doesnt come easy for me, so I thought "I'll tell the truth"  so all they willl do is turn me around and show me the way out.   As I approach the  "casetita"  I noticed that it was empty,  I looked to the right and all the officers were busy checking vehicles,  I simply kept on walking.   It wa...

A mi Edad.

A mi edad ya no me preocupan las guerras ni el clima, ni los terremotos ni el miedo a la muerte A Mi edad me interesa ver a diario una sonrisa en el rostro de mis hijos captar el brillo en la mirada de mi pequeña quien me motiva con mensajes de amor incondicional A mi edad, mi vida es un tesoro un banco de memorias del magnifico roce de tu piel el aroma delicioso de tu cabello Se me olvidaba decirte que a mi edad aunque el sexo existe no pienso asi de tu excelente figura pienso mas en tus ojos pienso mas en tus manos en los momentos que nos mirabamos en silencio, sentados en una banca del parque Sera que a mi edad por fin he descubierto El Amor?

De que Me Acuerdo? Pues veras...

Una amiga muy querida de la escuela de Roque me invito a visitar Tenayuca Zacatecas. Corria el año del 1976, Mexico era un pais pacifico, o al menos los periodicos y la tele no se preocupaban por los movimientos estudiantiles, ni las huelgas ni nada. Pasamos por Aguascalientes donde cambiamos de camion, tomamos uno que iba a Teocaltiche Jalisco. Nunca me convencio que esos paisajes tan hermosos pertenecieran un estado donde tantas batallas se lucharon desde el 1810, y tambien estos parajes vieron lucha en el 1910, hoy me pregunto, que pasaria por ahi el año pasado? memorias de otra gente digo. Era una casa que mas bien pudo haber sido una hacienda, conoci a su mama, a su papa y abuelo. Una hermana de mi amiga era maestra de escuela primaria en otro pueblecito como a 17 km, y nada mas se podia llegar alla a pie, bueno de ida a pie, de regreso nos dieron ride. Insistio en enseñarme unos bailables para que fuera su pareja en un festival del dia de las madres. Pasamos la may...

Religion and Empires.

Since Babylonian times mankind had the necessity to create a stable society. What creates a stable society? No one knows. Social experiments have been out there since writing was discovered. Long ago a lonely man who could not fight or hunt decided that somewhere inside his counterparts mind there was a fear for nature so he decided to test this theory. Lightening was a sign, everybody fear this god of the sky, they have seen trees being burn down and big animals killed by it. This man stood under the rain and the lightening and nothing happened to him now he was a fearless man and he showed the others how easy it is to stand under the rain and not get killed. The other members of the tribe started to see this man as a selected ONE, the one that could listen to lightening and stand under the rain and feel no fear, the one who probably could if HE wanted even to stop the rain. Then suddenly the rain stopped, all this other people came out from hiding, what was so special about this man?...