
Showing posts with the label poemas

From Abram to Abraham.

Most of the time when I get approached by christians their cuestion is: Do you believe in God? or Have you read the Bible?. Believing in God has nothing to do with the Bible. Lets begin by looking back to some personalities mentioned in the bible that christian religion itself recognize them as part of the inheritance of that belief system. Abram was his name, he woke up one day and looked around. He talk to his wife and out of the conversation, very likely a new thought came out. There has to be more. More of what?, there has to be more than drugs, drug users, prostitutes, corruption, slave selling,compromising with the market place, fighting for a piece of bread. There were so many things wrong with Ur, a Chaldean city. His story began passed Adam being kicked out of Eden, even passed Noah, and passed Sodom and Gomorra. What desition Abram took? Let's get the hell out of town! Of course the wife asked, why? He stated that the ONE and only God, (monoteism) has inspired him to

Sacrificio de Sacrificios

Horacio Duran No quiero que pienses que soy un sacrilego, pero no me importa si la santa inquisicion me descubre el poder de peticion, se perdio con Abram Abram subio a la montaña para sacrificar a Isac, que pena porque solo nececitaba cambiar de manera de pensar, El sacrificio de sacrificios a un Dios no es una vida humana es mas simple, es, que por amor sacrifiquemos nuestras ideas que se han convertido en nuestros hijos y aceptar a los demas por lo que son, nada mas.