
Showing posts with the label freethought

Lo medios de Comunicacion... Cambiaran?

El poder de la palabra escrita, ha ido disminuyendo, primero se convirtio en periodicos, despues en revistas que cumplian un deber social. Las de nota roja, llevaban los ultimos reportes en crimenes. Los cuentos semanales llevaban historias de superheroes, o cuentos de grandes aventuras. La palabra pronunciada por radio y TV llego a su cumbre cuando depues del cine se convirtio en la forma mas poderosa de reprogramacion del pueblo. El pueblo, ese conjunto olvidado de personas trabajadoras cuyos impuestos y pagos por servicios que ni consumen, ayudan a subsistir una economia que se tambalea. El pueblo, si la gente comun, los que consumian ir al cine, los que compraban tvs y se pasaban los domingos viendo a Raul Velasco. Ese pueblo a despertado, ya no es el mismo, es un dragon. Una leyenda que esta a punto de convertirse en realidad, nos dice que El imperio Azteca se levantara despues de 500 años,(conquistada el 1521... sucedera el 2021?).. Cada vez que nos llama la atencion d...

Mi religion? buena pregunta...

Naci, luego me bautizaron catolico nadie me pregunto si queria. De grande estudie las santas escrituras e historia. En mi busqueda por las veredas ya andadas por otros, fui de un lado para otro. De joven perteneci a la AJEF. Ya en USA, lei y estudie mas sobre la filosofia del amor a la vida. EN varias ocasiones participe y coopere con misiones en varios estados de la republica, and muchas ocasiones compartiendo labores con sacerdotes catolicos. Algunos miembros de diferentes organizaciones cristianas protestantes. Un Dia alla despues de una larga discusion filosofica-religiosa con un Rabino Judio, me dormi pensando en todas esas cosas, en sueños vi una vida sin dolor, envidias, o diferencias sociales o economicas. Era una utopia, un pensamiento que broto de la inmensa desesperacion de saber que no sabia nada. En una reunion con nativos americanos, un shaman me explico que mi llamado del universo era, el sembrar semillas, semillas de superacion, semillas de amor, semillas de ...

From Abram to Abraham.

Most of the time when I get approached by christians their cuestion is: Do you believe in God? or Have you read the Bible?. Believing in God has nothing to do with the Bible. Lets begin by looking back to some personalities mentioned in the bible that christian religion itself recognize them as part of the inheritance of that belief system. Abram was his name, he woke up one day and looked around. He talk to his wife and out of the conversation, very likely a new thought came out. There has to be more. More of what?, there has to be more than drugs, drug users, prostitutes, corruption, slave selling,compromising with the market place, fighting for a piece of bread. There were so many things wrong with Ur, a Chaldean city. His story began passed Adam being kicked out of Eden, even passed Noah, and passed Sodom and Gomorra. What desition Abram took? Let's get the hell out of town! Of course the wife asked, why? He stated that the ONE and only God, (monoteism) has inspired him to ...

Ruins... left behind.

I made a mistake, I asked God for help, He guided me to the place, where no one cares, to a desert of love, without love, to a city without people to a lonely planet a planet without air sofocating I made a mistake, once now He has to wait I will not beg for help, nor mercy to hell with the creators of imaginary hells heavens and gardens of eden to hell with angels that dessapear from one's imagination Making mistakes is my human nature some time we tell lies because there is no distinction with the reality within what we see is the lie, what moves us is inside, the eternal truth, my imagination, I will be stupid if I share it with you some have trumpled over it. Yeah, God brought me here I can not blame Him to a country of atheism to a place of no belief I made a mistake, I listened to the man that holds the book the book he never read the book that never said for me to go the book that tells me now to stay. To late I am gone from planet earth, to...