Can we change the world?

Maybe not, we are insignificant specks of dust in a planet. We are insignificant specks of dust in the Universe, we are insignificant specks of dust in the bigger picture. Then when did we came out with the idea that we could some how interfere, or perhaps change the course of how life evolves? It was the invention or maybe we stumble into it, of the verb. Words were utter, recognized, standarized, then we started making sense of the place we lived in and the places we hunt, etc. In other words... the invention of language. Language was so powerful that when we (all humans) got together to create a pyramid so tall that would reach the heavens(Babel), language was made a confusion of syllables and then we lost the interest of reaching the heavens. We really have one comun language, the language of being human, not to confuse it with idioms. An idiom is spoken by a nation, why do I say this? well, when we forget that we are human beings that we all have something in comun, such as: we love family, we like to be hug, we eat, pray, have sex, sleep and yes we have to go to the bathroom. We became our own gods, to follow a delusional path of heavenly rewards, those of us who know that the only heavens is the one we make, and we make it by simply treating each other with respect, protecting the nature that sustains human life. Then looking at it from this perspective when we rediscover how important words are, we try really hard to utter only those words that point us back to the path of preservation. The world is not going to end in May 21, 2011 like some christians are trying to make us believe. The world will not end on December 21, 2012, like some other pseudo profets are trying to convince us it will. The world will continuo going as it has for millions of years, just because. It is up to you and me to separate the real message from the red-herring. Wars, poverty, illnesses, hunger, hate, violence all of that because we forgot. We forgot that we could utter words of peace, sentences of friendship, write books of reaching the heavens, working together to feed, cloth and educate every single human being. We created "zones" (countriers) we isolated those who didn't shared our "belief system." So it is us, we messed it up, so in order to regain our perspective it is not to blame others for our situation. It is our duty to wake up to the power we have, the power of our words. Then we can start spreading the good will that man needs. Humanity not only can destroy itself, it also can preserve itself for continuation. Next time, don't share Christ as you know Him, share the good will that He created in you. Do not tell me you want to see me in heaven, tell me I am in heaven when I am with you, help me believe, that you and me can as insignificant as we are, change our world.


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