
Showing posts with the label predictions

Mi religion? buena pregunta...

Naci, luego me bautizaron catolico nadie me pregunto si queria. De grande estudie las santas escrituras e historia. En mi busqueda por las veredas ya andadas por otros, fui de un lado para otro. De joven perteneci a la AJEF. Ya en USA, lei y estudie mas sobre la filosofia del amor a la vida. EN varias ocasiones participe y coopere con misiones en varios estados de la republica, and muchas ocasiones compartiendo labores con sacerdotes catolicos. Algunos miembros de diferentes organizaciones cristianas protestantes. Un Dia alla despues de una larga discusion filosofica-religiosa con un Rabino Judio, me dormi pensando en todas esas cosas, en sueños vi una vida sin dolor, envidias, o diferencias sociales o economicas. Era una utopia, un pensamiento que broto de la inmensa desesperacion de saber que no sabia nada. En una reunion con nativos americanos, un shaman me explico que mi llamado del universo era, el sembrar semillas, semillas de superacion, semillas de amor, semillas de ...


I was only in the 8th Grade, and after reading the bolshevick revolution I had a brilliant moment of predicting the fall of the Russian Empire, I wrote a Letter to a local radio station, and stated that Russia would not pass the 2000 mark. Well in 1988 things changed. Today as I was reading another prediction, but now by a russian around my age group, this prediction is about the US, I'll say I BELIEVE!... the forces at work for this to happen were place in 1972. So, do you believe? as the forces to change russia were place in 1947. Religion and Empires. Since Babylonian times mankind had the necessity to create a stable society. What creates a stable society? No one knows. Social experiments have been out there since writing was discovered. Long ago a lonely man who could not fight or hunt decided that somewhere inside his counterparts mind there was a fear for nature so he decided to test this theory. Lightening was a sign, everybody fear this god of the sky, they have see...