
Showing posts with the label worldwebnow

Mi religion? buena pregunta...

Naci, luego me bautizaron catolico nadie me pregunto si queria. De grande estudie las santas escrituras e historia. En mi busqueda por las veredas ya andadas por otros, fui de un lado para otro. De joven perteneci a la AJEF. Ya en USA, lei y estudie mas sobre la filosofia del amor a la vida. EN varias ocasiones participe y coopere con misiones en varios estados de la republica, and muchas ocasiones compartiendo labores con sacerdotes catolicos. Algunos miembros de diferentes organizaciones cristianas protestantes. Un Dia alla despues de una larga discusion filosofica-religiosa con un Rabino Judio, me dormi pensando en todas esas cosas, en sueños vi una vida sin dolor, envidias, o diferencias sociales o economicas. Era una utopia, un pensamiento que broto de la inmensa desesperacion de saber que no sabia nada. En una reunion con nativos americanos, un shaman me explico que mi llamado del universo era, el sembrar semillas, semillas de superacion, semillas de amor, semillas de ...

Can we change the world?

Maybe not, we are insignificant specks of dust in a planet. We are insignificant specks of dust in the Universe, we are insignificant specks of dust in the bigger picture. Then when did we came out with the idea that we could some how interfere, or perhaps change the course of how life evolves? It was the invention or maybe we stumble into it, of the verb. Words were utter, recognized, standarized, then we started making sense of the place we lived in and the places we hunt, etc. In other words... the invention of language. Language was so powerful that when we (all humans) got together to create a pyramid so tall that would reach the heavens(Babel), language was made a confusion of syllables and then we lost the interest of reaching the heavens. We really have one comun language, the language of being human, not to confuse it with idioms. An idiom is spoken by a nation, why do I say this? well, when we forget that we are human beings that we all have something in comun, such a...

Be a Job Creator

This past month has been busy, not like other months that passed by. Since January I've been looking for employment, after a couple of months, I found out that I have enough in me to became self employed. A Bachelors in Business Administration, know-how of the internet industry, fully bi-lingual, so here it is. I am the President and Founder of ... if it sounds like fun, it is! I find myself spending countless hours at my computer in my home office, loads of fun. To quote someone semi famous, we are here for a short time, let us have a fun time. I aslo created the opportunity for my friends and bloggers to became a part owner of this venture, just go to WorldWebNow and there you are! a little investment can create a job for you. Remember dont try to hard, relax, have fun life is extremely short. Will love to have you be a part of our team.