Freedom of Religion - From Religion.

We have seen Americans leaving the traditional churches by the thousands. As a former minister I find that logical, the great empire run out of theologies to manipulate the masses. Very few keep creeping up in politics and make other few feel stronger. Reality check, in order for this civilization to continue existing and progressing as it has done for the past 200 year, requires a new birth. Not a new Philosphy, but a new birth. The Mayan had a cosmology that enables them to hope for change, and that changed came, they disappeared, or at least the High Priest and nobility, teachers, writers, engineers, architects, artist, industrial people, they were gone. What was left were the pawns, the workers, the followers, the ones who never questioned ... What next? Well, something similar is happening in this country, the powerful, the smart, the creators, doctors, engineers, etc., are slowly moving other countries , none in particular, but from 1971 till now, the great "brain drain" has caused this country to loose its grasp in the world. We are proposing a new birth, a new "enlightment". Let us began to accept that we are all connected. All things, all beings, all life. Join us in this effort, visit and fine out how. We care, we want to keep the flame of freedom going, we want to spread Love and compassion, necessary for the formation of functional democracies.


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