The real rebels.
Adam and Eve were the real rebels. They were created by an omniscient(Know it all) God that forgot his creatures were programed to disobey. What a catastrophic result. They did disobey him. Questions arise, as they should. Was he really omniscient? or simply a cosmic player that took the time to "create" toys, except this were bio toys, in some way, self thinking toys, and they just choose to see the world their own way. What a tragic mistake if this omniscient God made a self thinking toy, to toy around, and this fragile bio, decided to say " in your face..."
Well, maybe it did not happen like that at all, maybe some organize religio-thinkers want us to be indoctrinated with all that kaka. Maybe the Universe did gave away to a glup of green matter-gel in the oceans and life, just "spark" out of it.
Then we can guess that life has no purpose, or maybe the way we have been trained to view life has no purpose. Grow up, be indoctrinated with this God science, then work, work, work, and make little ones, and die. Boo, boring, nope, we are in an evolutionary state, not a spiritual evolutionary but a state in which this God, has placed us, not to play but to help us be more aware.
The first view point is to indoctrinate us so we forget who we really are. Adam and Eve, true troopers, they went ahead and claimed their place in history, how? eating of the fruit of good and evil, they did not die, they were cast out of this garden where everything was provided for them. Some day you too will relize that this garden where everything is provided for you, like jobs, protection from external attack and even from external philosophies will cost you. How? well to keep this garden going, they need soldiers, and guess what if you are to old, your kids are not, or grand kids. So everything you think you got for free, it will cost you, maybe some family members life. Oh, you say but this is to protect the country values (garden) , yes, first there is a fist fight at the school yard to protect the group values, then there is a gun fight to protect the State values, and now your boy or girl has died to protect the countries values, same values that produced the enemy. It was for those values that in international markets some people were push down to the limit, to produce products via cheap labor, and now we can not contain them, because they are too many of them and very few of us.
So this God conciusness is getting us ready, not to die for it, not to kill for it, but to stop from fearing what the powers to be do to us. We saw, what they can do, Hitler was not an accident, so we know what they can do. Today we are many, we can not afford to let them win. We see the loosing battles all over in other countries, people are taking back what rightfully belong to them, the right to choose what fruit will they eat. This right my friends, is here to stay, one change that no religion can move, no believer can mistake it for what is not, and no individual will ever forget. This is the Third Millenium, and yes because of evolution our kids will have more knowledge and power than we ever dreamed of having.
This is the generation that will applaud Adam's and Eve courage, because what value is there in life if it doesn't belong to you? what value can there be? where will the dignity of a human being will be if all he/she does is eat, sleep, and run around naked? there are less than pets, and that my friend no God in his/her right mind should create.