Laundering Brains

Most everyone in this country knows, or has a friend that knows a Mexican. Not all of them are landscapers, painters or otherwise, some are engineers, architects, teachers, doctors, etc. The problem is, there are only landscaping jobs for the undocumented migrant. It does not matter that in Spanish they are the most educated, and they also are the leaders that could make a difference in the world. Sure, if you say "why don't they try to better the country they come from..?" you are probably right asking this question. Unfortunately, for many immigrants from Mexico that was not the choice they had back there and back then. Let me expound on that. After the 50's the US send missionaries to Mexico. These missionaries established, sunday schools and churches and started to teach biblical lessons. These lessons were not the traditional theology that the mexicans knew, via the catholic church. These lessons were a different interpretation, by different theologians, Martin Luther, John Calvin, etc. The ethics that were learned thru these lessons closely resemble the utopian US civilization, dreamed by early settlers. Many of these mexicans believe that following the teachings of these new gospel, they too could be part of the everchanging, evolutionizing, great society of the United States of America. Because of the difference in the view points, some of these mexicans did not stay within the party lines of the ruling party (PRI) some became leftist, even to the point of not qualifying for the Military service, and without military service then, no passports, and without passports, not a chance in hell to leave the country. To this day the teachers and lawyers that stayed behind, do not have a right to own a phone or a computer, sure they will quote you some rules that have to be followed first, but some of us can figure that out. Anyway, comming back to the original argument, these mexicans that made it accross in an illegal manner then had kids in the US, the kids grew up, made a life here and now their parents are facing deportation or an unseemingly long wait to became legal. We know, there was a law broken, even if it was an oversight by those zealous missionaries who did not imagine the chasm they were building between the catholic and the protestant groups in Mexico. They did not care, they wanted to show numbers of the converted so that they could justify the purchase of the next suburban, or airplane to go and continuo with the proselitism of a nation. Now, after years these americanized citizens without country have to face the fact of reclaiming their nationality, some of them will not be able to fit in the fractured mexican society, some might have to forget about their biblical values and just survive and wait for death to come, since their children and grandchildren are so far away to visit. The question stands like this, "were the bibles send down there to help improve the lives of these Mexicans? or the good intentions were warped by the need to prolong the agony of those descendants that once they loss a war with the US?, somehow I do not think it was an evil plot. Some people down there think so, but I don't, I think that like every generation in the pursuit of happiness in this country we forget that this humans have a right to make their own mistakes, bibles or not. There are good people and bad people everywhere, but I wish it was that simple to distinguished them from one another, some people respond to bad advice faster and sooner than others. When we have a society where we emphasize the need to have, instead of the need to BE, or we make laws to control human nature instead of re-educating nature or retraining it, then we are leaving a monster to be dealt by the next generation. The US was an example of democracy, now that we understand the powers at play, we know that democracy is an illusion, still duable because of the tenacity of some citizens that take it seriously, but the true concept dreamed by the greeks Plato, Aristotle, etc., no, it doesn't exist, democracy is continually on the making. Yes, this still the greatest country in the world, but if we want to keep it that way, we have to make an even biggest sacrifice. That sacrifice might be to became flexible, so that those immigrants that have been here for long and call this country home can pursue and eventually gain full citizenship. I can tell you that many of them would be willing to serve in the US Armed forces, risk their lives for the American dream and freedom. They are willing to pay high fines if necessary, but in the US there are those who defend their territory, of course it has cost sacrifices and the blood of many, who can blame them to try to stand against an influx of other nationalities. We will never know how much these new generations are willing to sacrifice, but if we already indoctrinated them with the bibles at hand, and we already made them a people without a country, what are we waiting to extend our hand and joined them to fight evil with good?. Or, maybe we are waiting for a Moses to raise up, and then he will guide them to the promised land, which could be the US, no need to remind you what happened in the rest of that story. Joining forces with Mexico seems a bit more realistic than the conservative viewpoint of getting rid of the mexicans. Instead of throwing away the brains that we help forge, why not let them be. Why not bring them into the flock that is already in existence, instead of pushing them away and letting someone else, or some other country benefit from the taxes already spent on educating them. Think about that, think hard because the gangs, the drug dealers, and leftist of the world will absorbed them, and then our problem will be, that they know a lot about us already.


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