
Sacrificio de Sacrificios

Horacio Duran No quiero que pienses que soy un sacrilego, pero no me importa si la santa inquisicion me descubre el poder de peticion, se perdio con Abram Abram subio a la montaña para sacrificar a Isac, que pena porque solo nececitaba cambiar de manera de pensar, El sacrificio de sacrificios a un Dios no es una vida humana es mas simple, es, que por amor sacrifiquemos nuestras ideas que se han convertido en nuestros hijos y aceptar a los demas por lo que son, nada mas.

Hoy Hable Con Dios

De madrugada y medio dormido tuve la presencia del Divino que me dijo, hoy iras al infierno por adultero,mentiroso, ladron, homosexual y mal padre le pregunte al Divino porque decidi hacer estas cosas? y me contesto por que sigues el ejemplo del maligno pregunte entonces quien creo al maligno?

Journey of a Mexican Immigrant

A Journey of a Mexican Immigrant.   By: Horacio Duran         What goes throught the mind of a child when it is exposed to violence and terror it is incomprehensible. I was not aware of the deep seeded fears and turmoil that this can cause in a human being, but I think I am beginning to unravel such an impact as I look back on my life experiences and meditate upon them. It was the morning of September 23 1965, In a city located in the northwestern state of Chihuahua, the name Madera (Timber land) My Dad, was a city policeman and drove the only van available to transfer convicts tru and fro the jails around. That particular morning was important because it was the first day that I will see him go to work. Every morning he was sleping when I went to school, or he was gone but that day we were getting up at the same time. Not long since we woke up we heard some explosions, first one and two, then some scattered sound of bullets, my Dad quickly prepared himself to go out and find out what ...


I was only in the 8th Grade, and after reading the bolshevick revolution I had a brilliant moment of predicting the fall of the Russian Empire, I wrote a Letter to a local radio station, and stated that Russia would not pass the 2000 mark. Well in 1988 things changed. Today as I was reading another prediction, but now by a russian around my age group, this prediction is about the US, I'll say I BELIEVE!... the forces at work for this to happen were place in 1972. So, do you believe? as the forces to change russia were place in 1947. Religion and Empires. Since Babylonian times mankind had the necessity to create a stable society. What creates a stable society? No one knows. Social experiments have been out there since writing was discovered. Long ago a lonely man who could not fight or hunt decided that somewhere inside his counterparts mind there was a fear for nature so he decided to test this theory. Lightening was a sign, everybody fear this god of the sky, they have see...

An Explanation..

Why is there so much uneaseness in the world?.. perhaps we still trying to find out what to be human means.